Check out the productivity features below:
Select some slides in your presentation and with one click FastLane will create an e-mail with only those slides attached.
Search through country flags and editable maps and paste them on the slide. Save images / logos to your Gallery and use them later.
Comment slides using sticky notes and track status with "WIP", "Updated" or "Illustrative“ stickers. Remove them all with one click.
Calculate CAGRs and Deltas on PowerPoint, Excel and paste-linked charts. Show totals and percentages in stacked column charts.
Insert standard green Vs, red Xs, footnotes, arrows, value chains, Harvey balls, and many other standard elements in your slide.
Have your corporate color palette as well as your favourite FastLane buttons always easily accessible on the right side of your screen
Get icons and images (PNG) from an online library and remove their white background or color them using your FastLane sidebar palette.
Swap the position of two shapes with one click. Have other key PowerPoint positioning buttons more accessible.
Align by the first selected shape and make shapes have the same height or width.
Use Ctrl+C/V once to copy a table from Excel to a matrix of shapes on PowerPoint. Seamless!


Increase/reduce shape transparency or line width. Copy and paste format, position, height and width of shapes with keyboard shortcuts.
Slightly expand or reduce the margins of a textbox or shape with each click, in order to make the text fit perfectly.
Change spell-check language, check for double spaces, different Font Types and other typos in the whole document with one click.
Add columns to a table and adjust their width without affecting the size of other columns on the table.
Define your own keyboard shortcuts. Use the customization menu to choose your sidebar colors and buttons as well.